What is APRS?

In the words of its creator:

"APRS is not a vehicle tracking system. It is a two-way tactical real-time digital communications system between all assets in a network sharing information about everything going on in the local area. On ham radio, this means if something is happening now, or there is information that could be valuable to you, then it should show up on your APRS radio in your mobile. APRS also supports global callsign-to-callsign messaging, bulletins, objects email and Voice because every local area is seen by the Internet System (APRS-IS)! APRS should enable local and global amateur radio operator contact at anytime-anywhere and using any device."

-          Bob Bruninga, WB4APR (SK)

“APRS is not a vehicle tracking system.”



APRS can send many types of data, including, but not limited to:

 1.       Positions (usually transmitting station).

2.       Station capabilities.

3.       Objects (usually on behalf of other entity).

4.       Weather Reports from individual stations.

5.       Weather Alerts forwarded from the National Weather Service.

6.       Telemetry.

7.       “Messages” addressed to specific stations, with automatic retries and acknowledgment.

8.       Bulletins sent to wider groups.

9.       Queries and Responses.

10.   APRS of Things.   (like Internet of Things but with Ham Radio)

11.   User Defined data types.



Digital Repeaters (digipeaters) retransmit packets to extend range.  The International Space Station (ISS) and some amateur radio satellites carry APRS digipeaters.


Internet Gateway (IGate) stations can move data between disjoint RF networks.


Besides communicating with other people, there are many automated systems which will provide information as a result of your query.


Kenwood and Yaesu, recognize the importance of this mode, and built it into many of their radios.


You can also participate with an ordinary transceiver and free software applications.